CRANsearcher 1.1.1

CRANsearcher 1.1.0

CRANsearcher 1.0.1

Merged pull request from Eric Nantz - enhancement of user experience by imposing a delay on the retrieval of search results (using shiny::debounce).

CRANsearcher 1.0.0 (2017-06-26)

Create version 1.0.0 corresponding to first CRAN submission. Also added the snapshot date of the CRAN inventory (today's date for internet connection, date of dataset creation for offline use).

CRANsearcher 0.3.0

CRANsearcher 0.2.1

Fixes to pass R CMD check + tweak search for CRAN mirror:

CRANsearcher 0.2.0

Improvement of UI:

CRANsearcher 0.1.0

Initial release for CRANsearcher: an R-studio add-in. Features include: